
26 October 2001
4 13:42

Hey, guess what! I'm writing from work again today! I know I look like a massive slacker, but the truth is that there's just a lot of stuff I can't do to the network with other people in the office, and it's pretty low-maintenance anyway, so there's some down time for me during the days.

Let's see...Last night's rehearsal sucked, just like I knew it would, AND I rediscovered that I have a rehearsal on Saturday afternoon, which rather fucks my plans. I guess I'll go to Rebecca's party a bit later in the afternoon than I'd planned, then go straight from there to Brandon's. I hate to disappoint Chris, but I haven't seen Brandon in ages, and we're a little closer, and I can't do both, and Marcus and Oliver will be there, too, so that pretty much guarantees fun. I can't get too trashed, though, 'cause I have to drive home so I can sing on Sunday morning. I have the bass solo in the Gloria of the Simon Preston Mass setting that we're singing on All Souls' or All Saints', I can never keep the two straight, and we have to sing them both, so it doesn't really matter, as long as the right music's in the folder when we go in. Anyway, people said it sounded good, but I was in very bad voice last night, so hopefully, that means it will be really good if I can get things back into shape by the service. Going out drinking & bumming smokes off of Andrew (the assistant organist) is not exactly the best way to do that, but anyway... After the usual bad & overpriced Mexican food (the chips were even soggy) and several pitchers of beer, he and I went to the Anchor for another drink and met some friends of his, one of whom, Greg, is a composer, very cute and charming, a gemini, and grew up in roughly the same area as I did. I don't think he's interested, though.

I think I've pretty much determined that things with Lars (we've been downgraded to "non-exclusively dating" for about the last month) have pretty much ended, not because we don't care about each other, but because of scheduling and geography, and ultimately, the fact that I just can't see us together for the long-term; we just don't speak the same language. I care about him enormously and value his friendship immensely, and I think the only way to maintain that is going to be for us to deal with the fact that we're not suited to be a couple and likely never will be and move on.

In happier news, I got a call from the UPS guy, who's left a package for me in the package room at my building. I'm guessing that there's a Dali watercolour and a De La Nuez seriolithograph waiting for me when I get home...Yippee! Now about that framing (and figuring out where to hang them, as well as that Hewitt collage)...

I went to see Marcus on my lunch break (and to sit in the comfy corner of the couch by the window in the sun, like the feline that I am), and he, sexually frivolous boy that he is, had an apparently very successful date last night. Lucky him. Me, I guess I'll get back to working my ass off so that as many people as possible will want to sleep with me...hehe, just kidding, I'm not really like that anymore and haven't been for quite some time.

I miss Christine, and her birthday's coming up...Maybe I'll call her and she'll tell me how to solve all my issues. Yeah, right.

Anyway, this is a pretty fractured entry, and I think I'm over the desire to write it, so I'll stop here.

Play nice,


Now Playing: Tori Amos, LITTLE EARTHQUAKES

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