
21 November 2001
4 10:49

So it's been a week...Maybe I should've been less ambitious in my goals for this thing; perhaps once a week would have been enough to ask. At any rate, here we are, so I guess I'll talk.

I'm hungry, even though it's only 10:50 in the morning. I need a footstool to put under my desk, but I keep forgetting to bring it from home. I'm not particularly enjoying having so many people breathing down my neck for information on what should be done about the fact that water is ponding atop a skylight at a project about which I do not know enough; I'm also not enjoying waiting for calls back from people who can answer my questions, but who don't seem concerned.

I'm disappointed at the scant attendance of my friends at The Game last weekend, as well as at my party beforehand, though I was quite glad to see those who were there, and we had quite a wonderful time carousing. (Todd flew in from San Francisco and Drew from Oklahoma; Ben drove down from Boston and brought his wicked cool girlfriend Gloria.) Croquet on Friday was beautiful. The harvard team didn't show, so our current team played the first 15 minutes of the first 2 matches, then we played alumni against undergrads. Though Todd hadn't played in about 4 years and it was only my third or fourth time playing, we won by a couple wickets, not because the undergrads aren't good, for they are, but because Todd and Ben are amazing at strategy, and I'm pretty good, too, I guess. I must find a way to play more often.

I'm feeling very much alone these days. I'm feeling rather fat, too, though I know that's rather unfounded, so I've taken to working out in the mornings again. That, at least, should be a good thing, which will eventually lead to my ability to shag anyone I want. Ha.

Dad arrived in town last night, which rather put a damper on my usual Tuesday night social plans, but I'm glad he's here to spend Thanksgiving with me. I wish we were able to see each other more often, but for slightly shorter periods of time (he'll be here 'til Sunday night). He's alone in my apartment while I'm at work, which only worries me slightly, as there are things I'd rather he didn't find if he were to decide to go snooping. I don't think he would do that, though, so maybe it'll be okay.

The mundane nature of my entries into this thing makes me wonder if I should bother writing it at all. Do I really have anything to say? Perhaps I should merely include my lyrics and poetry as entries into this thing, and not so much of my random thoughts. If there's anyone out there reading this, let me know what you think. I'm quite sure no one's even aware of this diary's existence, though, which might be a good thing. I'm not entirely sure what I feel comfortable writing in it, anyway. The daily details of my life might make me seem snobbish; my philosophical ramblings might make me seem psychotic; the details of my sex life (until recently) might make me seem sleazy. Perhaps I am all of those things; perhaps I am none of them.

Hopefully, Marcus will be working today. Then, I can go hang out with him briefly during my lunch break. That, at least, would be something. He's probably flown off to Austin for the holiday, though. Oh, well. Wednesday. When it's over, I'll be over the hump, though it will have been nearly 4 weeks since I've engaged in that particular activity. Frustrating. Especially when the only people you're really interested in getting to know better are far away. Enough. I shall find something productive to do, like continuing to clean up the network fileserver, whilst I luxuriate in this beautiful music.

'Til next time, be well, and a Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Now Playing: The Christ Church Choir, THE WINTER WILD (It's the day before Thanksgiving; I figure I'm allowed to start listening to this sort of music now, since the stores have been decorated since sometime in October. That makes me angry. Massive fines should be imposed on anyone who decorates before Thanksgiving. It so completely diminishes the effect.)

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