
But Some of My Closest Friends Are Dykes!
22 October 2004
4 12:58

(Revision Posted 16:15)

This was forwarded to me by a friend today, and I must say it shows remarkable restraint and scarcely even begins to express what I would have to say, but in view of the writer's position and cool-headedness, I will merely post it, rather than going off on a tirade of my own. I think it's very important.


Cheney/Kerry: There's Nothing Wrong with Being a Lesbian

A Statement by Matt Foreman, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director:

"Enough. For the last two days, the Bush/Cheney campaign has succeeded - yet again - in using a gay matter to distract voters from the real issues facing our nation.

Simply put, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, let alone saying that an out lesbian is a lesbian. It wasn't a story in the first place, and continued focus on it is insulting to any thinking person.

Can we talk about something real, not the patently bogus hurt and anger of Dick and Lynne Cheney? After all, for the last 18 months, these folks have supported using gay people and our families as a wedge to divide the electorate. They have not said one word while their allies have aggressively pushed the "Federal Marriage Amendment" on the grounds that allowing couples like their daughter and her partner to marry would undermine Western civilization. Not a peep when it was revealed that the GOP is paying for egregiously anti-gay campaign mailings in at least two states. Not a whisper while their buddies in the religious and political right have engaged in an unprecedented, national campaign of fear-mongering and demonizing of gay people. Now, they're offended? Come on.

Folks, let's move on."

Download the latest Task Force Policy Institute report, "Facts About Mary Cheney's Sexual Orientation in U.S. Political Discourse" by clicking here.

Revision: 14.15

I should have known I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut and leave well enough alone on this one.

The Cheneys are completely full of shit. Now, I don't know why, apart from her reported $100,000-per-year salary, Mary Cheney has chosen to support the current administration, which continually strives to strip her, her partner, and all other homosexuals of not only their rights as American citizens, but also their basic human dignity, and its re-election campaign -- perhaps it's some demented sense of family loyalty, or else the most egregious case of internalised homophobia and self-hatred I've ever witnessed -- but I DO believe I understand why Kerry phrased his response the way he did.

"We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as. I think if you talked to anybody, it's not choice."

This response to the question of whether homosexuality is a choice is not merely a response to the direct question, but also a means of giving Bush the slap across the face he so desperately deserved for his disingenuous and spineless, "I don't know. I just don't know." non-answer.

What Mr. Kerry REALLY meant to say is this: "You fucking moronic snake! Your running-mate has a daughter who's a lesbian. You've met her. You've presumably spent time with her and talked with her. This is a hot issue -- one which, regardless of whether it should be, is of great concern to the American people today -- And you mean to tell me the topic has never come up? Shame on you for once again lying to the American people, Mr. President! If you were paying any attention at all, if you were engaging that rock of cocaine encased in your skull for half a second, you would know that NO ONE would choose to endure the social stigma, the constant stress, the myriad difficulties which are inflicted in this country on homosexuals. Mary Cheney, who has indeed grown into quite a remarkable woman, faces these challenges on a daily basis, and were you the slightest bit concerned about anything other than your family's money, you would doubtless have observed what she goes through; you would have seen her struggle; and you would have had the basic decency and compassion to want to help her, to support homosexuals and other groups which are marginalised for no apparent good reason. No, of course it is not a choice, and we should afford these people the same dignity, opportunity and status which we confer on all other citizens of this great nation."

Personally, I would welcome from anyone an intelligent, well-reasoned explanation of precisely why it is that heterosexuals are so terrified of homosexuals. (Intelligent, well-reasoned arguments do NOT include, "The Bible says it's wrong," as any thinking person realises that there were sociological and political reasons for much of what's written therein; those who cite Sodom and Gomorrah are reading text that isn't actually there, and Jesus Himself never directly addresses the question. They also do not include, "It's just not natural," as homosexual behaviour occurs in practically every species of animal known to man.) Homosexuality is not contagious; homosexuals do not "recruit;" homosexuals are not interested in anally raping you in the shower at your local gym; and you cannot choose to be a homosexual any more than you can choose with whom you fall in love.

By and large, the sum total of the gay agenda, based on my observations, anyway, is this: "Leave us alone; let us do our thing with the same rights and responsibilities, the same freedoms and protections as are afforded to our heterosexual brothers and sisters."

I don't think that's too much to ask. Just do what The Man said, and love your fucking neighbour, okay?!


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