
Walking After Midnight (in the Rain)
15 October 2003
4 01:10

So it is what it is, and I'm home, alone, with the dishwasher running, and there were only a few I would even have considered, but I was the one who had the guts to talk to the cutest one in the place, and we had really a very nice conversation about how he's jobless and living with his parents in one of the 'Stavens and has a boyfriend of four months in Atlanta.

And Mitch went home with someone I had sex with several years ago, and when I left the bar, it was bloody pissing it down with rain, and while all the other little fairies stood under the awnings on the sidewalk and fretted about their hair, I strode into the rainy night as though it was my natural habitat. DJRainDaemon, perhaps?

And I realised that the ability to sing is the greatest gift I could ever have been given. And I wailed a few choruses of "Only Happy When It Rains" in the highest key I dared muster (Yes, I could sing tenor, but I prefer second bass because it just sounds more evil!) while strolling, head lowered, glowering out at the world through molten emerald eyes beneath my ominous eyebrows, toward home, and enjoying the sound of me, echoing, unfettered by the conventions of daylit society, off the buildings and down the streets.

Yes, my friend(s), this is how songs are written.

Now, take up thy quill, thou flame-haired Muse-Goddess. (When all else fails, write.) ;-) Pisces women are savvy, indeed.

This rain brings the end of this recent darkness, in which we've all lately been mired. So be it.

(And unlike my companions, I am NOT inebriated.)


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