
4 da Tourists
12 October 2005
4 12:43

Dear Tourists of the World:

New York is a functioning city, the second largest on the planet, I believe, and while it contains some lovely museums, is it not, itself, a museum. The vast majority of the people here are are working, socialising, carrying out their daily lives, going somewhere (probably in something of a hurry), moving with a purpose. Just like you do in whatever podunk town is your residence and/or workplace, only in less space and at greater cost.

Please do not stand and gawk in our paths of travel. We mean you no harm, but that sort of behaviour should be practised in our many museums, theatres, concert halls, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc. On the streets, it may get you injured or worse. If we say, "Excuse me" in a fashion that seems to intimate, "Fucking get the fuck out of my way, you fucking moron," take it as a loving and generous gesture; some of us would without hesitation compel you to move with our elbows, bags, pointy umbrellas, knives, electric cattle prods...You get the idea.


P.S.: Thank you for seeing that our many actors and musicians remain employed, but please, have a bit of taste in deciding which ones you want to support. The fact that it's on Broadway doesn't mean you should go see it (RENT should have died years ago, for example). Similarly, the fact that it's nowhere near Broadway doesn't mean you shouldn't explore it. I would, however, prefer that you confine your wanderings to the space between, say, Lexington and 8th Avenues; we may often inhabit closet-sized apartments, but some of us do hold our personal space sacred.


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